Have you ever wanted to sing like a bird? What if the birds sang back, amused and curious? We would like to offer you a vessel into the world of birdsong: Tweeter. Tweeter is a delightful little ocarina attuned to the voice of the birds. Your new feathery friends will follow and respond to your call, and you will notice with fresh ears a symphony of nature, even in the heart of the city. Learn their calls and discover trilling melodies and rhythmic virtuosity. Your chirps will make everything chipper! How does it work?
The Tweeter uses only two finger holes. Sliding them open in different combinations produces tones that mimic the melodic intervals of birds. A variety of pitches can be obtained by sliding or partially covering the holes. The trick is with your breath and tongue, articulating short staccato bursts that mimic the rhythmic structure of birdsong. How to learn? Open your windows, or go outside and give it a go! The birds are patient teachers.
We encourage you to let go of music theory. Instead, open your ears, open your heart, listen to the voices of the birds, listen to the voice of nature, and let your breath and fingers find their way!
Reply to the trilled staccato of the "Avian Choir" all around you.
Follow the flowing conversation of the birds on a wire.
Let your spirit play in nature’s orchestra.
Let your friends know who's feeling the spring time!
Review by Amelia P. on 13 May 2021review stating BECOME the Mockingbird
I wish this thing had more reviews because I'd imagine they'd all be much funnier than mine LOL. So, the tweeter is very easy to learn! I can already do the eastern phoebe and the black-capped chickadee's calls, as well as a high-pitched version of a mourning dove. You can easily mimic a hawk's cry with it too, but I think I'm more likely to scare...Read MoreRead more about I wish this thing had more reviews
the songbirds with that than befriend them. It plays so well that now I'm eying the transverse ceramic ocarinas. I know it looks sort of like a pig's snout, but if you buy one, you won't be sorry. Read LessRead less about I wish this thing had more reviews
Review by Chris L. on 12 Jun 2021review stating Glad I got one while available!
This is a great addition to the songbird line of non-chromatic instruments. I like to buy a lot of bird calls, and I have a few ceramic ones made by Mexico based artists (they make them in the shape of birds a lot) but most of the ones I have seen designed to mimic a specific type of bird with limited capability. This tweeter has well designed sou...Read MoreRead more about This is a great addition to the
nd holes that accommodate a rolling portamento quite nicely. What I mean is, the slant angle of the openings allow you to glide smoothly between an open and closed note. With some practice, you could consistently play the notes in between. The high pitch really encourages birds to sing along, and what an experience it is to communicate with wildlife! Read LessRead less about This is a great addition to the
Review by Shari on 17 Oct 2020review stating YISSSSS!
I absolutely love it. Winter is coming, all you can hear is crows and then ... well... there is me. with that tweeter. And some very confused neighbors. ;)